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Enhydro (Water) Agate contains encapsulated water that has been trapped during growth. The water can be seen or heard when shaking the stone. Enhydro Agate was formed about 2 million years ago,
Enhydro Agate gently stabilizes our physical and etheric bodies. It helps to balance our minds, bodies and souls. The water inside these crystals has been kept clean from contaminants from human industrial contamination, making it an ideal crystal to use for those seeking purity, including purity of mind, body or soul.
Working with Agat Enhydro is ideal for cleansing and clearing up accumulated toxicity from the physical system. An ideal stone to meditate with, it brings us together with our divine plan and provides a direct link to our Akashic Records.
Water is the elixir of life and contains all purity from the original divine plan. The water energy in Agaten enables us to utilize our inner world, our inner fluidity and our adaptability. It allows us to connect to and understand our feelings, as well as the feelings of others.
Andekvarts AB
Catharina Andersson
Telefon: 070-888 88 52
Thomas Andersson:
Telephone: 070-678 12 84
E-mail: grossist@andekvartsb2b.se