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- Selenite
Selenite protects one from external influences. Selenite brings together energies through contact with one's guides and your higher self. Also called a mental cutting torch and brings clarity to you.
Calming and gentle, brings a deep calm and a feeling of serenity. Use Selenite as a grid around your home or in the corners to keep it safe.
Physical: Selenite is said to be able to remove all energy blockages from the physical and etheric body. Can heal and mend on a cell level.
Selenit, White Bracelet Round
Selenit, White Charging plate Tree of Life
Selenit, White Heart Small
Selenit, White Heart Small bigpack
Selenit, White Hearts XL bigpack
Selenit, White Pendulum Cone
Selenit, White Pendulum Cone bigpack
Selenit, White Point bigpack
Selenit, White Sphere Bigpack
Selenit, White wand with point
Selenit, White wand with point bigpack
Selenite, Heart with Angel Wings
Selenite, White Chakra charging Plate
Selenite, White Chakra charging Plate Bigpack
Selenite, White Lamp Large
Selenite, White Palm stone Large
Selenite, White Palm stone Large Bigpack
Selenite, White Palm stone Small
Selenite, White Palm stone Small Bigpack
Selenite, White Raw Points Big Pack Long
Selenite, white string round
Selenite, white string round Bigpack
Selenite, White Tealight holder Big
Selenite, White Tealight holder Big Bigpack
Selenite, White Tealight Round
Selenite, White Tower Large
Selenite, White Tower Mini
Selenite, White Tower Mini bigpack
Selenite, White Tower Small
Selenite, White Tower Small bigpack
Selenite, white tumbled bigpack
Selenite, white tumbled Gram
Selenite, white tumbled Matt bigpack
Selenite, white Unicorn horn
Selenite, white Unicorn horn bigpack
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