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- Shungite
Shungit is found in Karelia, Kamchatka, Kazakhstan and other places with different types of Shungit. The highest quality of Shungit is found only in the Zazhoginsky mine located in Karelia in Russia.
Zazhoginsky Shungit contains over 30% carbon, many minerals and is a whole and has a very high energy potential.
The lowest quality is Shungit slate, it looks like real Shungit but does not have the unique properties and benefits of genuine Shungit. Zazhoginsky Shungit is the most expensive, Shungit from other mines is cheaper Shungite slate is very cheap.
Shungit is a rare carbon-based non-crystallized stone that comes from Karelia which is part of Russia. This rock may have formed about 2 trillion years ago. It consists largely of molecules of carbon.
Shungite, which looks like carbon, has the ability to conduct electromagnetic and geothermal energy and yet absorb and protect the body from electromagnetic radiation such as those caused by computers, wi-fi, microwave ovens and more. Shungite can also absorb and remove negative energy from a person or the home. It converts stress and negative emotions with positive energy and at the same time is highly protective
Shungite, Bracelet Round Bigpack
Shungite, Pyramid Bigpack
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Shungite, Hearts Polished
Shungite, Pendulum Polished Cone
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